Are there any changes you would like to make in your current patterns of practicing worship?
A few weeks ago Brian did a message about inviting Jesus to be in your everyday life. He talked about inviting Jesus to join as you read the paper, watch tv, eat breakfast, etc. This was a really challenging message for me. I know this is what you are supposed to do as a Christian, but for some reason I have forgotten that God needs to be in every part of my life. I have severely overlooked verses like Romans 12:1.
As I read this chapter on worship, I was struck by the similarity of Brian's message and Foster's first step in worship. He says to "learn to practice the presence of God daily." This is one area of worship that I would like to grow in. I forget in my daily life that God should be a part of it all; not just the "designated" times like my quiet time or when I attend church. As I have been attempting to invite Jesus to be with me every moment of every day I realize how difficult this is, and how easily I forget to invite Him to join me.
If I can spend more time with God in my daily living, how much more will I be able to follow Him. How much easier will it be to hear His voice and sense His presence? This will dramatically increase my ability to lead people to God through worship. If I can see where He is going; where He is leading, I can lead others into a more meaningful time of worship. Letting God take control will be so much easier. Risking will be much less frightening. If I can learn to truly let God be a part of every moment of my life, my effectiveness as a worship leader can only increase. My relationship with Him will only get better. This truly will change my life in the best of ways.
How is it that I have grown up in a Christian home, and I have been a Christian from a really young age and yet this stuff feels new....I feel like I should have some of this figured out by now. Seriously I have recently (for a few weeks) been legitimately trying to consciously invite God to be a part of every point of my day. I cannot begin to list how many minutes, hours, days that have passed that I have completely forgotten to do this. Worse even is the moments that I have invited Him yet ignored his promptings. Sometimes I feel like I am exactly like my two year old son; he cries because he wants me to be near yet when I speak to him he does not want to listen. Someday I hope I can grow up a bit.