Saturday, June 30, 2012

I guess maybe I have not been able to digest all that I have read.  I do not really know how the reading has changed the way I think about the reasons Jesus came or his resurrection.  I have been challenged by the idea of our “eternal destiny” being here on a renewed earth. 
In the reading I was surprised by Dan Wilt’s idea that that we will spend our eternity on a renewed earth.  He writes, “Eternity, for you and I, lies right here on terra firma – earth – only a renewed earth, and a renewed heaven.”  I am not quite sure how I feel about this.  It is a subject that maybe I have more embedded theology than deliberate theology.  I am so used to the idea of going to heaven and spending eternity in heaven but I have never done much research on the topic.  This has prompted me to do some further study on our eternity. 
Perhaps I will have more to say about these topics after a bit more processing of the readings…..

1 comment:

  1. This is Kristin by the way...It was surprising for me, too. If you haven't read part 2 of Simply Christian, you should read it. It goes into depth about the different perceptions of heaven and what heaven really is. But, I agree with you, it did prompt me to do more research. I've been reading Paul's letters lately and he talks a lot about Jesus coming again and raising the dead and collecting those that are still alive (2 examples are 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15), but if Paul talked about Heaven in anything I've read so far, I missed it. Now I'll be keeping my eyes open.
