Monday, March 24, 2014


Week 6
In Foster’s discussion of simplicity in chapter 6, what motivated you?  What made you concerned or anxious?
                Reading chapter 6 was quite liberating.  I am constantly looking for ways to simplify life.  I have never thought of simplicity as a discipline, but I see the reason why Foster addresses it in his book.  I really like that he gives the ten suggestions in how to live a life of simplicity.  In reading this chapter, I am motivated by each of these steps.  The ones that are the biggest challenge for me currently are nine and ten. 
A few years ago my husband and I were educated on the vast and horrific fact of modern day slavery.  When we were first told of this hidden horror, we were given a ton of information.  One piece of this was learning to make responsible purchases.  Never had we thought about where our clothes or electronics had come from.  After learning more, we realized that some purchases are not so innocent.  As time has gone on and life has become more busy, finances a little more limited, we have fallen out of the habit of making educated choices in regards to the things we buy.  While this may seem extreme, it is something that I truly believe falls under the ninth suggestion Foster gives.  He says to “reject anything that breeds the oppression of others.”  I am motivated to be a better consumer and to make more educated decisions in regards to the companies I give my money to.  
Putting God first is always a challenge for me.  This is why number ten of Foster’s guidelines is another challenge.  There are so many things that easily push God to the side, this is a terrible and frankly lazy way of living.  Reading this chapter once again reminds me how intentional I have to be to truly put God first, above all things.  It is crazy to me how easily other things quietly begin to push God aside.  I really have to be intentional and conscious of this or I easily find myself frustrated and depleted.  How good God is to constantly remind me that he is all I need.  That without him, nothing really matters, that with him no matter the circumstance life is truly better.  How easily I forget and how gently he reminds me of these things.  He is a good and faithful God and he deserves all I have to give.

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