Friday, July 18, 2014

Week 7

The more we know about it, the more we study the stars or the rocks or the whales or the volcanoes, the more we ought to praise God, summing up in articulate speech, the inarticulate praises of all creation (193)

There is nothing more humbling to me than to gaze into the sky on a dark clear night in the middle of a forest and see the vastness of a sky full of stars.  When I feel far from God, or overlooked, I like to sit and ponder this idea that the creator of the universe created me.  I love what Wright is saying here.  When we stop to see what God has created, we can't help but praise him.  It's like the amazing sunsets that we get here in AZ.  There are times where you just can't help but stand in awe of the beauty.  I know Wright says "we ought to praise God," but I think we can't help but praise Him when we take the time to take in His handiwork.

Maybe the challenge is taking the time to actually settle in enough to enjoy God's creation.  How often I find myself rushing here and there.  I get so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I forget to enjoy what God has given me.  Then my sweet little boy reminds me when he becomes enthralled with a lizard on the wall, a flower on a plant, or a stick in the grass.  Or my husband stops me and says come look at this sunset.  I am so thankful God has placed people in my life who help me to pause and savor these moments.  

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to enjoy the little things in life and notice the beauty of creation more, too (even in this hot, dry desert). I've been forcing myself to get up early and go outside for my quiet time because if I don't take time to enjoy creation, I find myself becoming increasingly negative. The boys in my life help me a lot with this, too. :)
