Thursday, July 10, 2014

Yikes this is late: week 5

"That life is constantly praising its maker by being, particularly and peculiarly, what it is."  (pg. 120)

"The glory of God, said theologian Ireneus, is a human being fully alive." (pg. 135)

These two statements caught my eye this week.  In essence I think they are saying the same thing.  When I am who God created me to be, He is glorified.  I find a lot of freedom in this.  God created me in his image, yet I have my own unique quirks and characteristics that make me who I am.  God in his infinite wisdom designed me so that the more I become who He created me to be, the more He is honored.  I think maybe this is one of the reasons that people spend so much of their lives searching for who they really are.  One of the most tragic things for me growing up in the church has been seeing the people I looked up to and admired fall apart.  Perhaps this happens when people pursue what they want to be instead of who God made them to be.  Life is a work in progress, growing and learning more about myself is part of the process.  It isn't bad when I discover new things about myself, the problem is created when I step outside of what God has created in me.  The amazing thing that I love about all of this is:  the more I know God, the more I am able to see who he created me to be.  Growing closer to God, pursuing God unravels his intention for me.  I am allowed encouraged even to rest in who my creator made me to be.  To be at peace with who I am, I don't have to strive after who I think I should or could be, as long as I simply rest in His presence. Who God has created in me will rise to the surface.

This book is sometimes hard to read because it takes a lot of concentration and time, but I am enjoy learning how the Psalms are woven throughout the Bible.  It's a little intense trying to keep up, but it's pretty amazing that we have access to this amazing Word of God.  Not to mention all of the resources we have at our fingertips to further understand the Bible.  I can't imagine what life must be like for those who do not own a Bible.  It makes more sense to me why back in the day they spent so much time in the temple learning about and memorizing the Torah.  I forget how spoiled I am.  I would be clinging to every word if I wasn't able to just go back and read it again another day.  I need to live a little more like my life depends on this "good book" because in all actuality, my life does depend on these words.

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